What I Wouldn't Try ... yet...

Q's hair loves to frizz. It loves to get matted. It actually often takes on a life of its own! I used to joke that it really was just begging to be dreaded! :) But I haven't/won't do that to it. Not until it's Q's decision. I LOVE the look of dreadlocks, but I think that's probably a decision best left up to Q. :) 

Go here to see other pictures of DreadHeads! :) (If it comes up right away like it did for me, there's a picture of a CUTE lil 5 year old boy with AWESOME dreads...)

However, I must say it's something I would love to learn more about! 

Anybody here been brave enough to try them on their own head? What were your experiences??

(p.s. Q's been sporting the frizzy pigtails often these days as I'm back to work and we don't have an efficient morning routine worked out yet!)